True Growth is Messy


True growth is messy. Which my perfection-seeking self tends to dislike 😂. Before there is any visible sign of growth there is a lot of mud. A lot of weeds to pull. Rocks to dig up. Chores. For me, I have had to let go of perfection in order to reach higher than I have before. Embrace progress, however small. Fiercely stick to what I value, and attempt to pull out any other weeds.

For me this has looked like putting kids back to bed (as calmly as I’m able) for the 15 millionth (approximately) time even though I’m trying to learn a new musical challenge. It has meant being brave and asking for help. Saying no for a season to other passions I hold dear. Leaving laundry and dishes undone to make space for practicing. Wearing kids on my back while practicing. Stopping to pray. Crying on my bathroom floor when I feel so unworthy and it feels so impossible.

But mostly, getting back up again and continuing to water, little by little, and lots by lots. Stop looking at what HASN’T happened, and learn to look at what HAS. And over time, I am starting to see the seed sprout.

Is there a seed in your life you’d like to start getting messy for?


I am an Artist